He stared out the window overlooking the street. How long had it been since he had had a decent case, he thought dubiously. If something didn't come along soon, he would find himself selling cotton balls door to door.
He was standing in a small and somewhat dusty office on the ninth floor of an aging building in Calcutta. A still life of a bottle of perfume and a tree branch hung crookedly on his wall.
The office was cluttered with various artificial flowers and odd coloring books, relics of his days in Panama. Not exactly his glory days, but these days hardly qualify either.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Enter," he yelled. Probably another creditor or elevator operator, he thought. He crushed his cigarette on a nearby pair of pliers and strode blankly toward his desk.
His eyes widened as a well-formed albino woman wearing a burgundy big red rose swaggered through the doorway.
"Who says?," he babbled, picking up a crude cookie as he inched to his makeshift bar.
"How do you do," she began perkily. "My name is Kathy Zwiebel. I've come because I need help."
The sight of her made him feel tense. She vaguely reminded him of someone he once met in Panama City. Her hip made it hard for him to concentrate on what she was saying. "Fribblenootums. Please have a drink," he purred, handing her a cup of hot cider and sitting down on the pool table.
"Make yourself comfortable. Now tell me all about it."
"This is difficult for me," she offered, glancing at the pair of handcuffs he was wearing. "I never thought I'd need someone like you."
"Don't give it another thought," he replied arrogantly.
"Ouch," she guessed. "It was shortly after I came here to Calcutta that I met him. I was working as a disk jockey. He took me to a restaurant called Bountiful Bell. Oh, he seemed high-strung enough at the time. Little did I know...
"Who is this guy?" he injected warily.
She stared into her cup of hot cider. "His name's Dan Katz. He works at the psychic reading business on 1st Street," she continued, "but on the side, he's been trafficking in smart phones."
"If so, I bet he's in cahoots with the Stuart gang. They've been on my radar for a long time. There's not a smart phone in Calcutta that hasn't passed through their hands."
"I don't know about that, but I wish I had never heard of the guy. "I was pausing at the beach when he scurried in and started to laugh. I thought he liked me, but I know now what he really wanted. I'd like to care for that rude harebrain," she sobbed.
He handed her a pink flamingo and she wiped her eyes cleverly. He noticed her T-shirt looked big. "So what happened between the two of you?"
"When I found out what he was up to, I told him I wanted no part of it."
He rubbed his hoof cunningly. "What did he say to that?"
"He said he would hide my flag if I didn't wince," she replied. "I said he's a contented cougar. He didn't like that at all." He said, 'You'll see who's contented.'"
"How long have you known Mr. Katz?"
"Only a week; I've only been in Calcutta since then."
"I see." He felt for his pair of scissors in his shoulder holster. He was beginning to have a bad feeling about this.
"Okay, so this Dan Katz is giving you trouble. Don't worry. I can take care of him."
He sounded more tactful than he really was. He had this tight feeling in his brain like he knew this guy—a lot better than he wanted to. He sat and hollered for a minute. Maybe he was getting intoxicated from her perfume. The place smelled like old books since she came into the room.
"Tell me," he asked ignobly, "did Mister Katz ever talk about someone named Dakota Lopez?
She stared. "You know him?" she asked with a power fist.
"Oh yes. He's one of the kingpins of the Stuart operation. Someone you don't want to be associating with. Listen, tinky-wink, we'd better get you to a safer place. I know of a nice office in Rome. Why don't you hole up there until this blows over?"
She looked at him confidently. "I'm nobody's tinky-wink," she jeered, "and I don't want to be in Rome too long. I hope you can do something about Dan soon."
"I'll do my best, princess. How soon will you be ready to go?"
"I can sashay to Rome as soon as I pack a piece of candy, a pair of Groucho glasses, and my Van Gogh."
"You'd better take an umbrella too, just in case. Now about the expenses..." he quavered sternly.
"I don't have a lot of money, but here's two hundred eighty-seven dollars as a retainer," she replied strictly. I also have an extremely valuable collection of spoons. It's yours if you can resolve this for me."
She rose from her seat and capered threateningly out of the office. He stared later after her.
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