Rewrite this story

Battle Of The Bands

Denise Knight and the Abnormal Billiard Balls

The Fancy Skulls

Egg Salad Sandwich

Russell Bowe and the Magnificent Teeth

The Joints

The Curtsies

Anders Arp and the Car Show

The Hearts

Daniel Richter and the Obnoxious Cockroaches

Cool Beans

The Hoots

Ellen Bergstrom and Anchovies

Harboring a fugitive

Carey Price and the Rancid Dolls

Cosmo Prentice and Mountains Of Gold

Sharice Minturn and the Automatic Stamps


The Adorable Goblins

Kenneth Goodman and Baking powder

The Sniffing Yawns

Fink Flash


Anthony Simmons and Rock

The Bronze Bear Circle

The Disappearance of Illumination