Rewrite this story

Everything Is Normal

Louise Brindel was sitting in her Infiniti on the side of the road. "I'm a Big oaf for Escaping from You" by The Sneezes was squawking on the radio. She turned the radio off.

For no apparent reason, she felt for her aorta and her Achilles tendon and her chest. They were all there. That was good. Also, her palm was not floating. That was good, too.

She felt dependable. She must have had quite a nap. What time is it? She looked at the clock. Five a.m. About what you'd expect, still on schedule. The nap had taken no time at all.

She looked out the window. There was a village visible across the road, but nothing special to see. Probably time to get going. She started up her Infiniti and took off down the road. "Dogicyno koflujon," she thought to herself.