Rewrite this story

Lorenzo Fagan, Inventor

Lorenzo Fagan has touched so many lives, it is difficult to remember that he came from very humble roots. He was born in Caracas, a golden city in Bolivia. His mother was a jaunty woman from El Salvador, and his father was a banker in Caracas.


They first lived in a travel trailer. They eked out their living making roast turkey and homemade bananas in their pool room and selling them out of their Model T.

After high school, Lorenzo went off to Wyoming College in Pueblo, but had to drop out after only nine years, due to his zany professors.

Forced to make his own living, he first worked at a pastry shop bending accordions, but he didn't enjoy the work and could barely get by on four thousand eighteen dollars a week.

flash drive

As he worked at the pastry shop, he began to think about how he could improve flash drives. No one had tried to make them out of precious gem before. Lorenzo decided to give it a try. The first flash drive was much too thick and he became discouraged, but he persevered, and eventually came up with a method of finishing the flash drive prior to use. The flash drives could now be sold without being thick, and before long, the first four thousand flash drives were sold.

The next invention was to become known as the Fagan Pillow, a crooked product that became wildly popular in Afghanistan, but did not catch on in areas that get lots of drought.

Lorenzo's best known invention, of course, is the crossbow, one of the major accomplishments of the 19th Century, commonly said to be responsible for advancing civilization out of the Formica Age. Every time you use the crossbow, you can thank Lorenzo.

Invention followed invention, and soon, the name Lorenzo Fagan was known as well as that of Donnie Bob Tiller himself. Lorenzo's creative streak took root, and the rest is history.