A Private Gallery of Sights from

The Whole Crew

July 9 - 16 2000

With appreciation to all those, pictured or not, who helped to make the week at camp memorable and joyous!

Here are a few photos from a teacher's (that is, my) perspective...

Camp and the dining hall looking out from the shell

The Wall and the Gazebo

Faculty participates

Brass ensemble performed in faculty recital Ralph rehearses with jazz combo

George and Sallie in Private Lesson Concert in Jemez Springs

Not Hummingbird, but here's a nice poem by my older daughter Elizabeth (when she was 14), about playing cymbals in the band.
Extra-Musical Activities

Faculty vs. Counselors Volleyball Game

Faculty had independent activities, too

A short hike to a great view Pancake Rock on the way to McCulley Springs David, Ralph, Rebecca, Betsy, and Coda Coda gets feisty Coda's a water dog, too

Here's a game Sallie and I played on the long drive home from Hummmingbird. The first player says something like, "I went to Hummingbird, and while I was there, I saw some APPLES." Player Two then says, "I went to Hummingbird, and I saw some APPLES, and a BASSOON." The next player must then remember the first two words, and add a third, beginning with the letter C. Play continues until either the alphabet or the players are exhausted. Try it. You can probably think of better answers than we did!

Here's the list of answers we came up with.

Goodbye all, until next year! Thanks for a great time!