Rewrite this story

Battle Of The Bands

Miguel Lindgren and the Fuzzy Cowbells

The Chic Big Gulps

Macaroni And Cheese

Eleanor Arthur and the Handy Eyebrows

The Books

The Belches

Liz Katz and the Amusement Park

The Belly buttons

Hillary Tinnerman and the Choleric Quails

Turn Blue

The Gasps

Paula De Luca and Pork and beans

Wire fraud

Merna Quinn and the Dusty Crutches

Lawrence Diamond and DNA

Sanjay Weaver and the Hand-made Bugles


The Brilliant Mosquitoes

Mindy McCracken and Sweet pickle relish

The Demanding Snarls

Scamp Elinor

The pressure cooker

Xenia Schecter and Stone

The Narrow Raven Herd

The Fear of Revulsion