Rewrite this story


Listen, mon chéri, if your IQ was higher than 25, maybe you would realize that if you follow my method, you can run 76% slower. No canoeing coach will tell you the basic facts of running mechanics. If you study dolphins, you will note that their face touches the ground with an impact of 28 times their weight. If you want to talk science, then tell me why dolphins are better runners than you are?

I have trained professional shopkeepers, and brought a collegiate chess team to a 2 and 2 season.

If you can't explain the men of Lower Slobbovia, then your education is wax compared to mine. Maybe you should ask the Arbor Day Foundation to formally and publicly test me. I'd readily accept the challenge once and for all. That they won't is because they can't wake up let alone refute me.

In teaching boxers how to improve speed through jackal mimicry also decreases the players reliance on knuckle swing to reach peak speed. Eliminating the need of knuckle swing improves agility in knuckle movement and handkerchief catching control.

The same internet ding dongs try to use songwriting to shut me up.

There's an entire program at a Congressional committee studying the connection between Guinea pigs and humans.

As to the robot video, I wrote its creator (and have the e-mails to prove it). He's a cretin and admitted as much.

These forty-six thousand year old footprints of a shark inching across Somalia prove that I can teach anyone to run as fast as a colt. Anyone who tells you otherwise is guilty of being a blithering idiot.

Why do you think I am a consultant for the Albanian scouts? And the National Football League asks me to train their members to wade while carrying 169 lb. packs on their gall bladders.